Saturday, December 31, 2011

Merry Christmas part 1

So every year we have 2 Christmas celebrations. The first one we have is usually the weekend prior to Christmas. This Christmas celebration is the one in which we have our huge Christmas dinner and exchange gifts with my aunt, uncle, cousin and grandma. We usually have tons of pictures, this year, yep you guessed it, NONE! Not a single picture. Mom hosted Christmas at her house, I still did not have a working camera and apparently no one else brought theirs! 2 holidays in a row that no pictures were taken. Craziness! This has to stop.

This year we ended up having it a week earlier due to a scheduling conflict with my uncles band. We decided our meal would not be quite as huge considering it had only been 2 weeks since Thanksgiving!
We did have a great meal though. It consisted of ham, au gratin potatoes, green beans, pretzel salad, corn, rolls, cranberry sauce, veggies with dip, and sweet tea. Topped off with many many many desserts!

We exchanged gifts. The kids and their parents ( my sister and I) got my aunt and uncle as well as my grandma new group pictures of the kids. My sister and I had taken the kids to the park over the summer and done our own photo shoot. They turned out really well! The kids all got tons pf presents, and my sister and I both got new blender sets which are already being put to great use!

After the meal and the gifts we played board games rest of the afternoon and fun was had by all!

These are the pictures we gave as gifts. They of course were in frames but you get the idea!

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